Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Colour enhancement of your rashi

Hi to all
Many of peoples and my friends asks me that i always use to discuss regarding upays, gem stones and other tantrik ways to wardoff malefic effect of different planets and maladies ,Is there any other way to improve your conditions ,So today i will discuss regarding  the colour  enhancement of your planets to improve your health and wealth and career.As every planet has a particular colour and herb if we uses that colour or herb we will get benefic result of that planet and the the positive rays of that planet is attracted toward that person who uses that colour or herb to ward off his malefic effects.e.g. If a person is saggitarius ascendent has problems in overall things ,persons create problem in interaction with him his relatives doesnt like him and every one has negative appraoch towards him he should start keeping yellow saffron colour handkercheif with him or whole turmeric bound in yellow colour cloth in his right hand start doing this from shukla paksha thursday(guruvar) he will see marvelous change in overall things any one who want to know his remedies just become follower of this blog and mail me at alimuhammedkhan@gmail.com with their date of birth ,time of birth and palce of birth (city,country) i will mail them their remedies on their mail address between  a week.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Upays to become lover of your beloved

This is a upay for all those who are in real love with some one, and their beloved doesn't care for them.
First of all remain clean daily that means take bath regularly . After that take a snap of your beloved and keep this below your pillow before sleep at night think about her or him as he is standing in front of you and tell him that you love her/him more than any thing and he should also love him/her and  than sleep after doing this do this for 21 days and you see marvelous results your beloved become your true lover.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Upays to Strengthen Venus

Hi to All
After 2 months of very busy schedule i got time write upays to strengthen shukar or Venus
1. Always respect small girls who not attained puberty.
2. Donate sweets made of milk and sugar with white colour to small girls on Friday.
3.Wear diamond of 50cents or more or Opal At least 5 carats or White Sapphire at least 3 carats in middle finger stud these stones in platinium or silver on shukala paksha Friday wear also in shukla paksha friday means Bright forth night of moon on first hour after sunrising after wear give dhoop or dhoni of sweet smell incense like sandal wood, aud,Rose,Jasmin after wearing donate 6 pieces of white sweet made of sugar and milk to some small girls.
4. Always put perfume on every Friday regularly.

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